Blogger has always lacked a Top Commentators Widget which would encourage the readers to leave useful comments on your blog. This blogger widget will display a list of your top commentators.Here i have used a yahoo pipe to implement the same. Thanks to google system for providing me with a wonderful yahoo pipe.
This widget has some additional features unlike other 'Top Commentor Widgets'.This allows you to filter out the blog author's name from the top commentators list. You can filter out as many names as you want by using the filtering option in the widget installer(the filters should be separated by commas). So if you don't want to list 'Anonymous' in your top commentator list then just use it in the filter field. Another feature of this widget is that users can navigate to the commentator's profile or site by clicking on his name in the list.
You can also set the number of Top commentators that you want to display.You can see a demo of the widget here.
If you wish to install the Top commentators widget use any of the Widget installation buttons below:
Note: When you fill in the widget installer use Don't use or (i.e dont use the http:// and also dont use the trailing slash)
1) Widget Based On Recent 500 Comments.This will judge the top commentators from the latest 500 comments to your blog.
2) Widget Based On Recent 5000 Comments.This will judge the top commentators from the latest 5000 comments to your blog.This widget is only needed if your blog has high density of comment.I mean if you have more than 500 comments on your blog you can use this one..
Note:-Install the second widget only and only if your blog has lots and lots of comments.Else you should opt for the first one..
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